Saturday, May 23, 2015

New Path To Reach My Goals

In the first post, I published a list of things I want to do...but haven't found a way to do them.   It's a daunting task to simply find time to enjoy some of the little things.  This week, I found a book posted on one of my favorite blogs.  This book, even un-purchased, has opened up my enthusiasm to attempt the unattainable once again.

I looked closely into what the author, Peter Walsh, has to say on the subject.  I am EXCITED!  SUPER EXCITED!  He is talking my language!  This book won't apply to everyone, of course.  People are created uniquely different, each one of us has a distinctly different make-up.  But this guy seems to understand me!  

Listening to an audio sample of his book, (found here), Peter Walsh discusses how many of us work long hours and fall into the trap of fast food and collapsing when we get home.  When we find ourselves in the clutter of the afterglow from work, we aren't comfortable with our surroundings. Finding our comfort zone becomes a quest to settle for less and do so quickly.  Generally, it comes with an ice cream sandwich which is easily pulled from the freezer.  Due to the fact I'm already tired and sitting in a comfortable chair, I will just leave the wrapper, neatly folded, on the table next to the chair, with intentions to throw it away when I get up.  That's me!  Full of good intentions!!!!

Yet, if my surrounding were neatly kept, due to my own organizational skills, I would't want it to stay there and mess up my world.  Furthermore, IF I were organized to the point of having healthy snacks available, I would choose a sliced apple, banana, or yogart!  Oh my gosh...I am really on to something big!  This fits in with the topic of Wednesday nights Weight Watcher tips.  

YIP YIP YIP!  More later...I'm starting my Saturday organizing the kitchen!  

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