Monday, June 8, 2015

Moving Forward!!! :)

Each day, I've managed to clean out one place in the house. On busy days, I've cleaned out end tables. This means I only have about 30 minutes to devote to cleaning clutter.  When there's more time, I tackle a closet.  It's amazing what we can stick in a closet!!!!

Knowing that I don't have to de-clutter all at once has been a large relief.  The thought of cleaning out simply one space a day means 28 places in my home by the end of the month!  Now that's progress!  Just visualize 28 places in the home.  The thought of what I can accomplish in two months is astounding!  Oh yea, this is a goal I can reach!

De-cluttering every day is not an all-work-no-play kind of week, either.  Cleaning out a space can take anywhere from 30 minutes to a couple of hours.  This leaves plenty of time to play, too!  Play can consist of anything from knitting, trying out a new recipe, or helping out a friend.  It also means having time to watch a movie without the feeling that I should be up doing something.  

This week (my first big week at cleaning clutter), I've also managed to help a friend with her yearly room re-model project. My job was to pull the baseboards off the wall and to paint the trim.  The bending over, climbing a ladder, and stretching created a great work out.  

Then we decided to dedicate the room with our favorite scriptures written on the sub-floor.  Imagine, God's word, His living and active word, forever in the house.  We were so excited at the thought, we wrote several scriptures on the floor.  My favorite, and most appropriate was...

Hopefully, one day, I will be able to do the same in our own home.  I'd love to place Gideon Bibles in the walls, too!

This week also allowed time to knit.  I love, love, love knitting socks.  This particular pair was created with my favorite, Opal yarn.  The self-stripping yarn from Germany creates a sock that simply feels great and looks great!  
If you are interested in Opal yarn, Simply Socks or Etsy are both a great place to purchase a wide variety on-line. (The web-sites are linked to the store title.)

I generally give socks as Christmas gifts and have never kept a pair for myself...until now.  I love how this pair looks and feels!  Yes, it feels great to have my own pair.  

This week, I also painted the front door.  It was looking a little tired and needed to be freshened up a bit.  The original door was painted an off white and showed every little hand print.  The bottom of the door was looking dirty and I couldn't seem to clean it up.  Green paint sounded boring (hubby's idea) but I found a color we both liked and kept the trim a crisp egg shell color.  

Isn't the flip-flop wreath a fun addition to the entry?  This took only about an hour and was a fun way to spend Sunday afternoon.  I've included the link to the easy directions.  Try it!  There's so many ways to personalize it!

To start off a new week, I've managed to work on my budget a little.  That means creating a budget binder, and working on a plan to keep closer tabs on spending.  A young gal I work with has really inspired me with her own budget plan.  They've managed to work out of debt and create a savings for emergencies.  I feel like life has been one continuous emergency and there's no way to squeeze anymore blood from this turnip. Yet, maybe, just maybe, there's hope for us,yet.

As a teacher, I've always loved creating things for my classroom.  My co-workers (team members) have encouraged me to start posting things for other teachers to purchase.  So...I've also started putting some things together to open my own teaching accessory store.  

First is my Cooperative Learning Flip Book.  This handy tool is great when sitting down to plan activities to go with any unit.

I'd be happy to share and give away 5 free copies to the first five people that comment.  That could take awhile, as I haven't told anyone about my blog. So far, this is just my private place in the world.  Yet, it is posted and there anyone out there?

Oh, and last but not least...(drum roll) I did loose 3 lbs last week!  Oh yes!  The sweet feeling of success!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

First Step

Every dream begins with a first step!  Most of the time, I just plunge in, just like diving into a cold pool of water.  Rather than chance getting bored or frightened, just plunge into the project and deal with it!  So it began with the fridge!  Uggggghhhhh what a mess!

Not only was it a mess, but it wasn't user friendly for my husband that reaches in from a wheel chair.  The shelves needed to be rearranged to suit his needs.  For example, the milk needed to be moved from the top shelf (where he had difficulty reaching) to the middle shelf.  

And...I didn't stop here.  Nope!!!!  It felt good and I was on a roll!  Keeping my husband in mind, the pantry needed the same kind of essential change.  As with the fridge, I just pulled everything out and cleaned the shelves, the sides, the doors!  For the wooden pantry, nothing works better than some Murphy's Oil Soap!  I love how it cleans and love the smell!  
I also had to throw out out dated items.  How in the world did we accumulate so many out dated boxes, cans, and bottles.  It felt like I was throwing away money.  This, in turn, made me realize how much I need to pay attention to the contents of the pantry.  I threw out at least one large black trash bag full of pantry items.  Ugggggggghhhhhh

Realizing I need to watch the budget, too, I tried to use containers that I already have to group like items together.   

Weight Watchers items needed baskets.  I love, love, love the blueberry oatmeal, and  smoothies (any flavor), so those breakfast items needed to go together. Generally, I don't have baskets like this on hand, BUT I had this Dollar General Basket.   Snacks and chips also fit well together in a popcorn basket that must have been part of a gift basket given at Christmas.  It came in handy!  

These accomplishments may appear small, but it took most of the day!  I was exhausted!  The reward was the feeling I got each time the fridge or cabinet was opened.  It's just the beginning!!!! :)

Saturday, May 23, 2015

New Path To Reach My Goals

In the first post, I published a list of things I want to do...but haven't found a way to do them.   It's a daunting task to simply find time to enjoy some of the little things.  This week, I found a book posted on one of my favorite blogs.  This book, even un-purchased, has opened up my enthusiasm to attempt the unattainable once again.

I looked closely into what the author, Peter Walsh, has to say on the subject.  I am EXCITED!  SUPER EXCITED!  He is talking my language!  This book won't apply to everyone, of course.  People are created uniquely different, each one of us has a distinctly different make-up.  But this guy seems to understand me!  

Listening to an audio sample of his book, (found here), Peter Walsh discusses how many of us work long hours and fall into the trap of fast food and collapsing when we get home.  When we find ourselves in the clutter of the afterglow from work, we aren't comfortable with our surroundings. Finding our comfort zone becomes a quest to settle for less and do so quickly.  Generally, it comes with an ice cream sandwich which is easily pulled from the freezer.  Due to the fact I'm already tired and sitting in a comfortable chair, I will just leave the wrapper, neatly folded, on the table next to the chair, with intentions to throw it away when I get up.  That's me!  Full of good intentions!!!!

Yet, if my surrounding were neatly kept, due to my own organizational skills, I would't want it to stay there and mess up my world.  Furthermore, IF I were organized to the point of having healthy snacks available, I would choose a sliced apple, banana, or yogart!  Oh my gosh...I am really on to something big!  This fits in with the topic of Wednesday nights Weight Watcher tips.  

YIP YIP YIP!  More later...I'm starting my Saturday organizing the kitchen!  

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Dreams Have A Way Of Changing

Sometimes, looking back...I've wondered how in the world we made it through some of life's obstacles that were hurled into our path.  Without a doubt, God's grace and love sustained us.  We walked through the valley's and grew stronger.  Consequently, each valley changed our perception of what was beautiful, what was important, and ultimately it re-shaped the desires our of heart.

It didn't make as much of an impact when I saw my sister and her husband traveling similar paths.  How could I have been so naive?  So careless?  So self absorbed that I missed it? My brother-in-law, John, suffered a major stroke.  Their own life perception immediately had to change.  Joyce had to take off work for such a long period of time, she ultimately had to change professions. Yet, she grew into a beautiful person because of the valley.  An interview with John and Joyce can be found here .  

Now, years later, I find myself in a similar situation.  My husband, handicapped with MS, can no longer care for us as he did in the past. He's still my hero, my superman, the man of my dreams.  It's just the dream had to change, my perception and vision had to be adjusted.  It's really all in my perspective.

Meanwhile, my view has cleared so I can now glimpse into the life of one who is handicapped.  The reality is much different on this side of the road!  For example, going out to eat is more than a dining experience.  It's an opportunity for conversation rather than the ringing sounds of silence from the once busy farm house.  It's not a quick run into town for something to eat, but it's a well planned outing that can take every bit of strength he's saved up for a couple of days.  When you see someone in a similar situation, out and about, take the time to talk, seat them around others (not in a back room away from the crowd), and smile.  It's a vacation from the daily routine of silence.  

Dream Big!!!!

There's so much I want to do and so little time to do all of it. 

I love creating new lesson plans to share with my students.

I enjoy peaceful evenings at home. I love dabbling into knitting and crochet (knitting socks is my favorite!). 

Enjoying a glass of diet soda and digging into a new Bible Study is also way cool! 

Sara Jio has become one of my favorite authors!

The BlackList is one of my favorite television series.  I even record them to go back and look for clues.

Downton Abbey is a great way to escape!

Gardening use to be a favorite past time, but a recycled knee and hip make it difficult to melt into pulling weeds.  Hanging plants have taken over!!

Finding new and healthy recipes is wayyyyy fun!  (By the way, I've lost 50 lbs with Weight Watchers!)

I'm also a wife of "the most wonderful man in the world".  He came into my life at a time I needed him the most...although I resisted the thought of a relationship.  He immediately became my best friend and later my mate for life.  Unfortunately, MS entered our life.  My husband is unable to do the things he loves to do.  Often our days are are such a struggle, stress is generally traveling at maximum speed.  

I'm also a mother to four wonderful children.  It's hard to say that...I don't know how to answer the question, "How many children do you have?" I have four living children, two wonderful grandchildren, and a beautiful angel in heaven.

Anyway, I've always enjoyed blogging too.  Mostly, I've followed my favorites on the Blogger App and strolled through what's new on a daily basis.  Yet, on occasion, dabbling into a new blog creation crosses my bucket list. I think I've tried this a few times. :)

This time, ... I just need a place to share my ideas, my dreams, and my reality.  It make resemble a patchwork quilt or a coat of many colors.  Yet, that kind of represents me.  I'm made up of a little of this and that.